Cover Lettered

A web application that uses an LLM to generate a cover letter for a job application


  • Resume (uploaded as .docx file)
  • Job description
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Find the application here.

    Cover Lettered

    Virtual Assistant

    A comand-line-interface application that can tell the user:

  • The weather in any city in the world.
  • The current time in any city in the world.
  • A summary of information about a topic of the user's choice.
  • This leverages Wikipedia's api and the open-weather api.

    Virtual Assistant

    Yoga Sequence

    In order to reduce thinking time during a yoga practice I designed a tkinter app which automatically chooses a sequence of poses. It will then display images of each pose, with their names, for a set number of seconds, before moving on to the next pose in the sequence. The sequence will always end with Shavasana "corpse pose" which relaxes the body and allows one to recover from the practice.

    Yoga Sequence


    A hangman CLI game that chooses a random word from list of words. It then has user guess letters until all letters are guessed or wrong guesses are made. The interface shows guessed letters alongside dashes (_) to show position of non-guessed letters. It also shows the user what letters they have already guessed. Errors are handled well; with user told to attempt a new input if non-alphabetic input is made. Inputs are not case sensitive; all lowercase inputs are converted to uppercase before checked against word. The interface will also display graphic of noose and fill in hanged man as incorrect guesses are made. This was acheived using a "draw" helper function (funtion in external python file).
